Thanks for a successful meeting! Pedro Marronetti has kindly provided his talk, Views NSF – APS April 2015, from the GGR Business Meeting.
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The 2015 APS April meeting will be in Baltimore Maryland, April 11-14 at the Hilton Baltimore Inner Harbor. This year’s meeting celebrates the centennial of Einstein’s seminal paper on the The General Theory of Relativity.
Dates to remember:
- January 9, 2015 at 5pm EST Abstract Submission Deadline
- February 20, 2015 11:59pm EST Early Bird Registration Deadline
- March 20, 2015 11:59pm EST Online Registration Closes
Events to look forward to – public lecture by David Kaiser!
Plenary talks on gravitational physics:
James Hartle: Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
Cliff Will: Precision Tests of the Theory of General Relativity
Stu Shapiro: Sources and detection of gravitational waves
GGR-sponsored invited sessions include:
Innovative Computing in Relativity (with DCOMP)
Neutron Stars as Laboratories for Neutrino, Nuclear and Gravitational Physics (with DNP)
Detecting GWs from the Ground and in Space (with DAP)
Prize Session
Astrophysical Black holes on all mass scales (with DAP)
Quantum Gravity in the 100th Anniversary of General Relativity (with DPF)
100 Years of GR, 20 Years of GGR Looking back and looking forward (panel session)
Precision experimental measurements of gravitation (with GPMFC)
History of Relativity (with FHP)
Special events with a gravitational theme:
Public lecture