Message to DGRAV about Snowmass

Dear DGRAV colleagues:

This is a reminder that the Snowmass 2021 process is ongoing. Thisprovides NSF and DOE community input on future directions for the field, analogous to the Decadal Survey on Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020.  Much of the most important research in the relevant fields today involves astrophysics, cosmology, and fundamental physics so the role of DGRAV membership is important.  

We would like to encourage again DGRAV members to follow the activities in the  Cosmic Frontier and the Theory Frontier (as well as the others). Frontiers and Topical groups in each Frontier organize Town Halls and meetings, you can follow the calendar in and especially through the Slack channels

More urgently, this is the time to submit brief “Letters of Interest” for topics you think should be included in the discussion (even if they are not named specifically yet in the frontier description) – these are due August 31, 2020 (contributed white papers are due July 2021).

Gabriela González
Your DGRAV representative to the Snowmass Steering Committee