Nominations for the Isaacson Award and APS Einstein Prize

Nominations for both the Einstein Prize and Isaacson Award are open, and the deadline for nominations is June 1, 2018. I encourage you to consider nominating outstanding colleagues for these honors.

APS Einstein Prize

The next APS Einstein Prize will be awarded in 2019. This prize, established in 1999, is given to recognize outstanding accomplishments in the field of gravitational physics. The prize consists of $10,000 and a certificate citing the contributions of the recipient. It also includes an allowance for the recipient to travel to a meeting of the Society to receive the award and deliver a lecture. It is awarded biennially in odd-numbered years.

The award, usually to a single individual, is for outstanding achievement in theory, experiment, or observation in the area of gravitational physics. It is open to any scientist, worldwide.

The deadline for submission of nominations for the 2019 prize is June 1, 2018.

For additional information about the prize, including the nomination procedure and past winners, see the Einstein Prize webpage.

Isaacson Award

DGRAV recently established the Isaacson Award through the generous support of Kip S. Thorne and Rainer Weiss.

This annual award honors the contributions of Richard Isaacson, retired Program Director of Gravitational Physics at the National Science Foundation, to the development of LIGO and to the entire field of gravitational-wave physics. The award recognizes outstanding contributions in gravitational-wave physics, gravitational-wave astrophysics, and the technologies that enable this science. It consists of $5,000, a certificate, travel reimbursement and a registration waiver to attend the APS April Meeting to give an invited talk and accept the award.

Any scientist or engineer who has made outstanding contributions to gravitational-wave physics and/or gravitational-wave astrophysics, or to the technologies which enable gravitational-wave science, is eligible. It is preferred that the award be given to a single person, but if deemed appropriate by the selection committee, the award may be shared by two or more people when all recipients have contributed roughly equally to the work being honored.

The deadline for submission of nominations for the first Isaacson Award is June 1, 2018.

For additional information about the prize, including the nomination procedure and past winners, see the Isaacson Award webpage.


Emanuele Berti
Chair, DGRAV