Congratulations to Our Newest APS Fellows

Christensen, Steven Mark [2019]
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Citation: For developing the point-splitting regularization technique in quantum field theory in curved spacetime and for finding the structure of the gravitational trace anomaly and its relationship to Hawking radiation.

Evans, Matthew J [2019]
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Citation: For critical contributions to the development of advanced gravitational-wave detectors, as well as for developing techniques to enable further improvements in detector sensitivity, and for leading community efforts to design future large-scale ground-based detectors.

Read, Jocelyn Samantha [2019]
California State University, Fullerton
Citation: For contributions to the understanding of extreme matter within neutron stars, including its effects on gravitational-wave observations, and for the inclusive recruiting and mentoring of next generation gravitational-wave scientists.

Sathyaprakash, B.S. [2019]
Pennsylvania State University
Citation: For leadership in and wide-ranging contributions to gravitational wave science.

Shawhan, Peter Sven [2019]
University of Maryland
Citation: For the development of techniques and algorithms to search LIGO data for transient signals, and for realizing the important future scientific implications of gravitational wave observations by looking for other signals developed by electromagnetic observations.