Centennial of General Relativity Speakers Bureau

What is it?

The speakers bureau is meant to provide opportunities for experts in astronomy, cosmology, and general relativity to visit colleges, universities, schools, and communities to give public talks, lectures, meet with students and faculty, or participate in other events. The details are flexible and arranged to suit each host/speaker pair.

Who is it?

The committee overseeing the program has members from the American Physical Society, including its Division of Astrophysics and its Topical Group in Gravitation. Day-to-day operation is in the hands of staff and faculty of the Department of Physics & Astronomy and the Center for Gravitational Wave Astronomy of the University of Texas at Brownsville, with management and policy decisions made jointly by the committee members.

What is the intended audience?

The primary goal of the speakers program is to visit 4-year colleges, especially ones with large minority enrollments, where astronomy is not now well represented. But there are no well-defined boundaries, and if you think that your group/institution would benefit from a visit, please send us a request.

What does it cost?

As with other questions about the program, the answer is flexible. We hope your group/institution can contribute something to the speaker’s expenses, but we can cover or help cover expenses.

What is the procedure?

To request a speaker please fill out the form linked below. We will respond to your request and then either act as liason or put you and the potential visitor in direct contact.

Request a Speaker