We would like to announce the next
Workshop on Microphysics In Computational Relativistic Astrophysics
MICRA 2015 will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, August 17 – 21, 2015. http://compact-merger.astro.su.se/MICRA2015/
Please mark your calendars!
MICRA is an interdisciplinary workshop that will bring together researchers in nuclear and neutrino physics, nuclear astrophysics, and in numerical modeling of relativistic astrophysical phenomena such as the mergers of neutron stars and core-collapse supernovae. The overarching goal of the MICRA workshop is to improve the interaction and collaboration between different communities towards astrophysical simulations that combine state-of-the-art microscopic (neutrino-matter interactions, equations of state, thermonuclear reaction rates) and macroscopic physics/methods (e.g. hydrodynamics, radiative transfer and relativity). Multi-messenger signal predictions from simulations will be crucial to interpret future observations by the international network of advanced gravitational wave detectors (to come online around 2015), by current and future neutrino detectors, by classical astronomical observatories and by high-energy satellite missions. Major goals are therefore to establish a clear strategy to close the gap between simulation results and observations (gravitational wave, neutrino and electromagnetic).
Scientific Organizing Committee:
Almudena Arcones
Axel Brandenburg
Carla Frohlich
Christian Ott
Christopher Pethick
Jocelyn Read
Stephan Rosswog
Laura Tolos