Letters in Classical and Quantum Gravity

Classical and Quantum Gravity is pleased to announce the launch of a new Letters section. Gravitational physicists are invited to submit your next Letter to the journal. CQG’s peer review will ensure that only the highest quality papers are published as Letters.

A CQG Letter is a brief article describing a substantial advance in the field. All letters must meet one of the following publication criteria:

Report significant new results or an important new discovery;
Make important advances on or provide a solution to a critical issue;
Report findings of major interest to a specific community or demonstrate a new idea, experimental technique, theory or model which will have a potentially significant impact.

Submissions should be no longer than 4500 words in length (6-8 journal pages). Additional data and figures can be published as supplementary information.

Authors of CQG Letters will benefit from the best promotional service in the field, including the chance to write a CQG+ entry about the work, and consideration for the CQG Highlights. Lastly, the designation ‘LT’ will be added to references to Letters to it clear that the article is a Letter rather than a regular paper. A sample CQG Letter reference might read as follows:

S Cooper, L. Hofstadter, R. Koothrappali & H. Wolowitz, 2016 Class. Quantum Grav. 33 03LT01

As a result of this launch, CQG will discontinue the Fast Track Communication (FTC) article type at the end of 2015.

Clifford Will

Editor in Chief, CQG