L3 Study Team for NASA Participation

Dear Colleague,

NASA intends to partner with the European Space Agency (ESA) on its Large 3 (L3) Gravitational Wave mission, expected to launch in 2034. To this end, NASA is starting a study conducted by selected members of the community by forming an L3 Study Team (L3ST). This Letter solicits nominations, including self-nominations, from members of the community to participate in the L3ST.

The goals of the L3 study are twofold: 1. analyze the options for NASA participation in the L3 mission and work with the European L3 consortium on proposals to ESA; and 2. prepare a report to the 2020 decadal survey on NASA’s participation, including possible options, in the L3 mission as a minority partner. The Charter for the L3ST and a list of Frequently Asked Questions are available online.

Applications for the L3ST are due to NASA no later than December 21, 2015. Only E-mail applications of a single PDF file will be accepted. Please submit your application via email to the NASA L3 Program Scientist, Rita Sambruna, at rita.m.sambruna@nasa.gov.

The application material should consist of:

  • A one or two-page cover letter describing 1. the reasons for the submitter’s interest in the L3ST and 2. the capabilities and experience that the submitter brings to the L3ST
  • A short statement of commitment to perform the tasks assigned to the L3ST
  • A one or two-page resume, including relevant publications.

Applications are solicited from researchers at U.S.-based research and academic institutions, Government laboratories, including NASA centers and JPL, industry, and private individuals. Only U.S. persons (for the purpose of U.S. export control regulations, i.e., U.S. citizens and permanent residents; see the website for more details) are eligible to apply.

NASA will select the L3ST members for balance of expertise in relevant science and technology areas. The NASA Astrophysics Division Director will appoint the L3ST Chair(s) from the L3ST membership.

NASA reserves the right to cancel this Dear Colleague Letter at any time, should programmatic and/or other reasons warrant it.

Questions about the L3 study may be addressed to the NASA L3 Study Program Scientist at NASA HQ, Dr. Rita Sambruna, at rita.m.sambruna@nasa.gov, 202-358-2166.