APS Fellowship Nominations – Division of Gravitational Physics

Dear DGRAV members,

I am writing to encourage you to nominate colleagues who have made significant contributions to our field to become APS Fellows through the Division of Gravitational Physics (DGRAV), formerly known as the Topical Group in Gravitation (GGR). Please note that the title change is still a work in progress at APS headquarters, so you may see us listed as GGR in some locations.

Becoming an APS Fellow is a distinct honor, as the selection is conducted by one’s professional peers, and newly elected Fellows can number no more than 0.5% of Society membership. Please take this opportunity to honor your colleagues and to highlight the many ways in which our science is advancing.

Any current APS member can initiate a nomination. The membership of APS is diverse and global, and the Fellows of the APS should reflect that diversity. Fellowship nominations of women, members of underrepresented minority groups, and scientists from outside the United States are especially encouraged.

For information on how to nominate, and a list of current Fellows, please see the APS honors webpage.

Please take a minute to think of a colleague who has substantially advanced gravitation research in some way – perhaps recently, perhaps through a long track record of contributions – and should join the list.

The deadline for submitting fellowship nominations for review by the DGRAV Fellowship Committee using the online form is Wednesday, June 1 (about one month from now). If you have any questions or would like assistance getting a nomination together, please feel free to contact me at eberti@olemiss.edu.


Emanuele Berti
DGRAV Vice Chair and Chair of the DGRAV Fellowship Committee