Nomination Extension for Richard A. Isaacson Award

Dear Colleagues,

We are very aware that these are difficult times for everyone, with important conversations about societal inequities taking place while at the same time dealing with the disruptions caused by the pandemic.

For all these reasons, we have extended the deadline for nominations for the Richard A. Isaacson Award in Gravitational-Wave Science to July 1, 2020, like the APS Fellowship nominations. Details about the award can be found on the website and links in this site will lead you to the pages where you can submit a nomination.

Please take time to think about whether one of your colleagues deserves this recognition, and make the effort on their behalf.

As always, we believe that serving a diverse and inclusive community of physicists worldwide is a primary goal. Nominations of qualified scientists that belong to an underrepresented minority (including but not limited to race, gender or sexual orientation) are especially encouraged.


DGRAV Executive Committee