We warmly invite you to consider joining the Division of Gravitational Physics (DGRAV) at the APS. Through DGRAV, the gravitational physics community is actively engaged in the APS. We support the scientific community in numerous ways, including supporting student participation…
Nomination Extension for Richard A. Isaacson Award
Dear Colleagues, We are very aware that these are difficult times for everyone, with important conversations about societal inequities taking place while at the same time dealing with the disruptions caused by the pandemic. For all these reasons, we have…
Updated Deadline for DGRAV Fellowship
Dear DGRAV members, I hope that this message finds you well. I’m writing to encourage you to nominate colleagues who have made significant contributions to our field to become APS Fellows through the Division of Gravitational Physics (DGRAV). We realize…
Online DGRAV Community Listings
Dear DGRAV Members, I hope many of you enjoyed the opportunity to remotely attend sessions of the APS April Meeting. During the business meeting, we discussed collecting a list of online seminars that can also be attended or viewed remotely. We…
Nominations for the Isaacson Award and APS Einstein Prize
Dear DGRAV Members, Below is information regarding nominations for both the Einstein Prize and the Isaacson Award. I encourage you to consider nominating outstanding colleagues for these honors. APS Einstein Prize The next APS Einstein Prize will be awarded in 2020.…
Congratulations to Our Newest APS Fellows
Christensen, Steven Mark [2019]University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCitation: For developing the point-splitting regularization technique in quantum field theory in curved spacetime and for finding the structure of the gravitational trace anomaly and its relationship to Hawking radiation. Evans, Matthew…