MRM28 Best Student Presentation Award

Congratulations to Maya Fishbach of the University of Chicago for winning the Best Student Presentation Award at this month’s 28th Midwest Relativity Meeting. Maya presented A standard siren measurement of the Hubble constant from GW170817 without the electromagnetic counterpart. See more about…

28th Midwest Relativity Meeting

The 28th Midwest Relativity Meeting will be held Friday and Saturday, 12-13 October 2018 at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Each participant in the meetings may present a talk of approximately 10-15 minutes, depending on the total number of talks. We…

EGM21 Best Student Presentation Awards

Congratulations to Laura Johnson of Case Western Reserve University and Oliver Janssen of New York University for winning the Best Student Presentation Awards at this month’s 21st Eastern Gravity Meeting. Laura presented Partially Massless Decoupling Limit of Massive Gravity, and Oliver presented The…