Extreme Gravity Workshop in Bozeman, Montana, August 20th – 22nd 2015

Announcing the Extreme Gravity Workshop in Bozeman, Montana, August 20th – 22nd 2015

The eXtreme Gravity Institute at Montana State University will host a discussion workshop devoted
to astrophysical systems where relativistic gravitational effects can not be ignored:

*   Neutron stars: theory behind the equation of state, modeling of X-ray surface emission, data analysis considerations.
*   Black hole shadows: modeling of shadows, data analysis considerations and interpretation of results.
*   Gravitational wave astrophysics: extraction of physics, like the neutron star equation of state, after first detections.
*   Experimental relativity: cosmological, compact binary and gravitational wave tests of General Relativity.

These areas are ripe for study with the promise of a wealth of observational data coming in the next few years
from gravitational wave detectors (LIGO/Virgo, NANOGrav etc), the Event Horizon Telescope, the NICER x-ray telescope,
and a wide array of cosmological probes.

We invite interested participants to join in what we expect to be lively and informative discussions led by experts
in each sub-field:

*   Xavier Siemens (University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee)
*   Avery Broderick (Perimeter Institute — Waterloo U.)
*   Dimitrios Psaltis (Arizona State U.)
*   Jim Lattimer (Stony Brook )
*   Cole Miller (U. of Maryland)
*   Tyson Littenberg (CIERA — Northwestern U.)
*   Enrico Barausse (Institute d’Astrophysique d’Paris)
*   Scott Ransom (NRAO)
*   Sanjay Reddy (McGill U.)
*   Pedro Ferreira (Oxford U.)

Space is limited, so apply soon at http://www.physics.montana.edu/gravity/workshop/workshop2015.htm