Dear Colleagues, You are receiving this message because you are a member of the APS Topical Group in Gravitation (GGR). We would like to invite you to join the International Society on General Relativity and Gravitation (ISGRG). More information can…
Author: dgrav
Postdoctoral Positions at Perimeter Institute
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics invites applications for postdoctoral positions from new and recent Ph.D.s working in fundamental theoretical physics. Our areas of strength include classical gravity, condensed matter theory, cosmology, particle physics, mathematical physics, quantum fields and strings, quantum…
Postdoctoral Position at Cornell University
Cornell University expects to have an opening for a research associate in general relativity starting in September 2016. The position is for one year, with subsequent renewals depending on performance and the availability of funds. The Cornell Relativity Group consists of…
Congratulations to Award Winners
GGR congratulates the following award winners: Vicky Kalogera (Northwestern) 2016 Hans Bethe Prize (DAP and DNP): For key contributions to the study of the electromagnetic and gravitational wave radiation from binary compact objects, including the now-verified prediction that neutron star…
Letters in Classical and Quantum Gravity
Classical and Quantum Gravity is pleased to announce the launch of a new Letters section. Gravitational physicists are invited to submit your next Letter to the journal. CQG’s peer review will ensure that only the highest quality papers are published…
2015 GGR APS Fellows
We are pleased to announce the 2015 GGR APS Fellows! Congratulations to the new fellows. –Deirdre Shoemaker, APS GGR Chair 2015 GGR APS Fellows Emanuele Berti (University of Mississippi) For important contributions to theoretical gravitational-wave physics, including quasi-normal modes of…
Announcement of Conference in “Mathematical General Relativity”
Conference in “Mathematical General Relativity” Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum in Sanya, Hainan January 5-9, 2016 To every participant we offer free lodging and meals during the conference through the Tsinghua Sanya International Mathematics Forum. In addition, thanks to an…
Assistant, Associate, or Senior Scientist (Einstein@Home Computational Scientist) at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
The Center for Gravitation, Cosmology and Astrophysics (CGCA) at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee is looking for a creative and talented individual to join our scientific computing team. You will support operations of the Einstein@Home volunteer distributed computing project…
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Numerical Relativity or Computational Astrophysics University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research associate position in the Illinois Relativity Group. The candidate should have research experience in numerical relativity, computational hydrodynamics or computational MHD. A background in general relativity and relativistic astrophysics would be desirable. Applicants…
Announcement of Ideas Lab “Measuring Big G”
NSF Ideas Lab: Measuring “Big G” Challenge Physics needs you! We are looking for bold researchers willing to design and undertake new measurements of Newton’s gravitational constant G (“Big G”). No background in the field? No problem! Motivation: The gravitational…