Author: dgrav

ICTS-Simons Fellows Program at the International Center for Theoretical Sciences, Bangalore

The International Centre for Theoretical Sciences (ICTS), Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) invites applications for the ICTS Simons Fellows Program. This program, funded by a targeted grant to ICTS by the Simons Foundation, is aimed at attracting world-leading young…

Aspen summer workshop on computation/systematics/inference for pulsar-timing arrays

Dear colleagues: This year, the summer program at the Aspen Center for Physics includes a four-week workshop (May 24-June 21) on “CSI PTA: Computation, Systematics, and Inference for Pulsar-Timing Arrays, and Beyond.” Applications to attend are due by January 31…

Microphysics in Computational Relativistic Astrophysics

We would like to announce the next Workshop on Microphysics In Computational Relativistic Astrophysics MICRA 2015 will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, August 17 – 21, 2015. Please mark your calendars! MICRA is an interdisciplinary workshop that will bring…

Celebrate GR100 at the April Meeting

Dear GGR member, The upcoming APS April meeting (11-14 April 2015 in Baltimore) will have the Centennial of General Relativity as its major theme. Please help us celebrate by joining us in Baltimore! Registration and abstract submission are open. The Abstract…

Extreme Gravity Workshop in Bozeman, Montana, August 20th – 22nd 2015

Announcing the Extreme Gravity Workshop in Bozeman, Montana, August 20th – 22nd 2015 The eXtreme Gravity Institute at Montana State University will host a discussion workshop devoted to astrophysical systems where relativistic gravitational effects can not be ignored: *   Neutron…

GGR Newly Elected Fellows

The Topical Group in Gravitation is pleased to announce its newest APS Fellows: Duncan Brown For leadership in all aspects of the search for gravitational wave signals from compact binary coalescences, including algorithms, waveform templates, pipelines, statistical interpretation, and connection…

15th British Gravity (BritGrav) Meeting, 20–21 April 2015 at the University of Birmingham

The 15th British Gravity (BritGrav) Meeting will be held on 20–21 April 2015 at the University of Birmingham, organised by the Gravitational Physics Group. The meeting covers all areas of gravity, classical and quantum, including astrophysics, cosmology, mathematical general relativity, gravitational-wave data analysis and instrumentation.…

GWIC Thesis Prize and Steano Braccini Thesis Prize

he Gravitational Wave International Committee is pleased to announce that nominations for the 2014 GWIC Thesis Prize and for the 2014 Stefano Braccini Thesis Prize are now open. Both prizes recognize outstanding PhD theses in the area of gravitational waves.…

Student Travel Grants to the APS April Meeting 2015

The Topical Group in Gravitation offers travel grants to support the attendance of graduate students (or advanced undergraduate students) at the APS April Meeting 2015 to be held April 11–14, 2015, in Baltimore, MD. The amount of each grant will…